34 VSM GUI Getting Started Guide • July 2007 Rev A • 312651601
TCP/IP connection terminated
The client connection was terminated.
Accept error - shutting down
There was an error in network connection accept processing. The server shuts down.
Error reading request
There was a network error whilst reading a client request.
Shutdown command from operator acknowledged
The server has received a console command to shutdown.
name Server ver started at tttt
“requests received: nnn
“tasks default: dd active: aa limit: ll
Response to an operator display status command and indicates the server name,
version, start date and the total number of requests received. It also details the worker
task settings, the default number of idle tasks, the maximum limit of dynamically
started tasks and the current number of active tasks.
Request n task completed rc=ret
The worker task t has completed with return code ret.
Unknown server command: cmd
The command cmd is not a valid console command.
Invalid command option: oooo
The option oooo is not a valid option for the operator command.