312651601 • Rev A Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring the VSM GUI 7
/cdrom/Documents fromnetwork.html CD-ROM installation Web file
/cdrom/Documents index.html CD-ROM installation Web file
/cdrom/Documents logoab8.gif CD-ROM installation Web file
/cdrom/Documents pax.html CD-ROM installation Web file
/cdrom/Samples @@NOTES.samp UNIX text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples @SKUEDIT.samp UNIX text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples C1CSIBLD.samp UNIX text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples C3DDDEFS.samp UNIX text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples I2ALLOC.samp UNIX text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples I4RCV.samp UNIX text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples I6APPLY.samp UNIX text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples I8ACCEPT.samp UNIX text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples LOADSAMP.samp UNIX text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples NTSVGUI.samp UNIX text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples U1RCV.samp UNIX text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples U3ACCEPT.samp UNIX text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples V2APPLY.samp UNIX text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples @@TOC.samp UNIX text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples @SKURUN.samp UNIX text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples C2ZONES.samp UNIX text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples I1DDDEFS.samp UNIX text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples I3ALLOC.samp UNIX text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples I5RCV.samp UNIX text file representation of
sample JCL member
TABLE 2-5 VSM GUI 6.2.0 Product Installation CD-ROM Contents
Directory File Name Description