1780R-Series Operator’s Manual
Table 4–3: DP & DG Front-Panel Configuration
VECTORSCOPE Vector display enabled, other choices locked out.
WAVEFORM Demodulated sweep displayed, all front-panel choices
locked out. (There is no LED to indicate demodulated
INPUT Status does not change. All differential modes locked out; if
a differential mode was enabled, input is forced to CH A.
REFERENCE Status does not change.
FILTER Locked out.
WFM SWEEPS Set to Two Line when DP & DG is selected. Field, One Line,
and Two Line Sweeps are locked out.
GAINS Vectorscope and Waveform gains can be adjusted while in
DP & DG mode; the new settings will be stored and recalled
at next entry to DP & DG mode.
WAVEFORM POSITION The Horizontal and Vertical Position controls can be
adjusted while in DP & DG mode; the new settings will be
stored and recalled at next entry to DP & DG mode. The
Vertical Position control range is limited to keep the signal
on screen. The Vertical Position control range is limited in
order to keep the signal on screen.
VOLT / TIME CURSOR Not available in DP & DG mode.
DP & DG Measurement Information
Single-Trace DP & DG. While the 1780R-Series provides two methods
of making differential phase and differential gain measurements,
only the single-trace method is available for simultaneous differen-
tial phase and gain measurements. A two-line display is used to
display the two measurements simultaneously on one CRT
(waveform monitor), with single-trace diff phase on the left portion
of the CRT and single-trace diff gain on the right portion of the CRT.
The single-trace method of differential phase and gain measurement
resembles differential phase on the TEKTRONIX R520A-Series.
This method requires the operator to normalize the gains, but those
1780R-Series Operator’s Manual
Table 4–3: DP & DG Front-Panel Configuration
VECTORSCOPE Vector display enabled, other choices locked out.
WAVEFORM Demodulated sweep displayed, all front-panel choices
locked out. (There is no LED to indicate demodulated
INPUT Status does not change. All differential modes locked out; if
a differential mode was enabled, input is forced to CH A.
REFERENCE Status does not change.
FILTER Locked out.
WFM SWEEPS Set to Two Line when DP & DG is selected. Field, One Line,
and Two Line Sweeps are locked out.
GAINS Vectorscope and Waveform gains can be adjusted while in
DP & DG mode; the new settings will be stored and recalled
at next entry to DP & DG mode.
WAVEFORM POSITION The Horizontal and Vertical Position controls can be
adjusted while in DP & DG mode; the new settings will be
stored and recalled at next entry to DP & DG mode. The
Vertical Position control range is limited to keep the signal
on screen. The Vertical Position control range is limited in
order to keep the signal on screen.
VOLT / TIME CURSOR Not available in DP & DG mode.
DP & DG Measurement Information
Single-Trace DP & DG. While the 1780R-Series provides two methods
of making differential phase and differential gain measurements,
only the single-trace method is available for simultaneous differen-
tial phase and gain measurements. A two-line display is used to
display the two measurements simultaneously on one CRT
(waveform monitor), with single-trace diff phase on the left portion
of the CRT and single-trace diff gain on the right portion of the CRT.
The single-trace method of differential phase and gain measurement
resembles differential phase on the TEKTRONIX R520A-Series.
This method requires the operator to normalize the gains, but those