Connectors, Controls, Indicators
1780R-Series Operator’s Manual
7. VERT POS. Use the Vertical Position control to move the display
up and down. A beep indicates the limits of the control range.
(Positioning range is greater for waveform monitor than for
8. HORIZ POS. Use the Horizontal Position control to move the
display left and right. Below SNs B020245 only, this is a spring
activated control; turn the control more to move the display
faster. A beep indicates the limits of the control range. (Position-
ing range is greater for waveform monitor than for vectorscope.)
Precision Measurement (Large Knob)
NOTE. Detailed measurement information is located in Section 4.
SELECT switches are enabled by pushing the corresponding switch,
and exited by pushing that switch again.
While any of these modes is enabled, rotating the large knob
provides continuous adjustment, and pushing the < > buttons
provides single-step adjustment.
Two, three, or all four of these functions can be enabled at once.
Separate readouts are provided for each function. Large knob
assignment is determined by the last function button pushed, and can
be changed by touching the desired readout area of the CRT screen.
Current assignment is circled.
NOTE. Detailed Timing and Voltage Cursor information is located in
Section 3.
9. TIME CURSORS. This switch enables the timing cursors. The
Timing Cursor menu on the vectorscope CRT provides a choice
of cursors that track together or are positioned separately, and a
choice between locate and measure.
The readout indicates the time difference between Cursor One
and Cursor Two, in increments of 5 nanoseconds. If magnifica-
Connectors, Controls, Indicators
1780R-Series Operator’s Manual
7. VERT POS. Use the Vertical Position control to move the display
up and down. A beep indicates the limits of the control range.
(Positioning range is greater for waveform monitor than for
8. HORIZ POS. Use the Horizontal Position control to move the
display left and right. Below SNs B020245 only, this is a spring
activated control; turn the control more to move the display
faster. A beep indicates the limits of the control range. (Position-
ing range is greater for waveform monitor than for vectorscope.)
Precision Measurement (Large Knob)
NOTE. Detailed measurement information is located in Section 4.
SELECT switches are enabled by pushing the corresponding switch,
and exited by pushing that switch again.
While any of these modes is enabled, rotating the large knob
provides continuous adjustment, and pushing the < > buttons
provides single-step adjustment.
Two, three, or all four of these functions can be enabled at once.
Separate readouts are provided for each function. Large knob
assignment is determined by the last function button pushed, and can
be changed by touching the desired readout area of the CRT screen.
Current assignment is circled.
NOTE. Detailed Timing and Voltage Cursor information is located in
Section 3.
9. TIME CURSORS. This switch enables the timing cursors. The
Timing Cursor menu on the vectorscope CRT provides a choice
of cursors that track together or are positioned separately, and a
choice between locate and measure.
The readout indicates the time difference between Cursor One
and Cursor Two, in increments of 5 nanoseconds. If magnifica-