1780R-Series Operator’s Manual
Chroma / Luma Inequalities Measurement
Enter Chroma / Luma Mode
Push the MEASURE button to enable the Measurement menu,
shown in Figure 4–1.
Touch <CHROMA / LUMA> on the screen.
Vectorscope and waveform displays are enabled and the instrument
is now configured as shown in Figure 4–7 and Table 4–6.
Exit Chroma / Luma Mode
To exit Chroma / Luma mode, push the MEASURE button again. All
instrument settings return to their previous state.
Horizontal positions, vertical positions, and gain settings defined
while in Chroma / Luma mode will be stored and reinstated when
this mode is selected again.
Cursors in Chroma / Luma
Ensure that <C/Y> is selected.
The cursors may be used to extract nomograph data from the
1780R-Series instrument. Five cursor settings must be entered by the
operator, using the waveform monitor CRT. Readout in the upper
right corner of CRT guides operator through the five settings, which
are described in the following procedure.
Making Chroma / Luma Measurements (Using Cursors)
1. Select Pulse Width
a. Touch <12.5T>, <25T>, or <OTHER> for NTSC. Touch
<10>, <20>, or <OTHER> for PAL. Chroma / Luma gain
error readings are not affected by pulse width.
2. Set Pulse Amplitude
a. Adjust Horizontal Position and Magnification to place the
modulated sine-squared pulse on screen.
b. Set Cursor 1 to the pulse top. Set Cursor 2 to the baseline.
c. Touch <ENTER>.
1780R-Series Operator’s Manual
Chroma / Luma Inequalities Measurement
Enter Chroma / Luma Mode
Push the MEASURE button to enable the Measurement menu,
shown in Figure 4–1.
Touch <CHROMA / LUMA> on the screen.
Vectorscope and waveform displays are enabled and the instrument
is now configured as shown in Figure 4–7 and Table 4–6.
Exit Chroma / Luma Mode
To exit Chroma / Luma mode, push the MEASURE button again. All
instrument settings return to their previous state.
Horizontal positions, vertical positions, and gain settings defined
while in Chroma / Luma mode will be stored and reinstated when
this mode is selected again.
Cursors in Chroma / Luma
Ensure that <C/Y> is selected.
The cursors may be used to extract nomograph data from the
1780R-Series instrument. Five cursor settings must be entered by the
operator, using the waveform monitor CRT. Readout in the upper
right corner of CRT guides operator through the five settings, which
are described in the following procedure.
Making Chroma / Luma Measurements (Using Cursors)
1. Select Pulse Width
a. Touch <12.5T>, <25T>, or <OTHER> for NTSC. Touch
<10>, <20>, or <OTHER> for PAL. Chroma / Luma gain
error readings are not affected by pulse width.
2. Set Pulse Amplitude
a. Adjust Horizontal Position and Magnification to place the
modulated sine-squared pulse on screen.
b. Set Cursor 1 to the pulse top. Set Cursor 2 to the baseline.
c. Touch <ENTER>.