1780R-Series Operator’s Manual
If OTHER was selected on Step 1, this step allows the 1780R-Se-
ries instrument to determine the pulse width and adjust the
readout accordingly.
a. Voltage cursors are automatically set to 50% of the
amplitude entered in step 2.
b. Timing cursors are enabled and appear as bright-up dots
on the display. Large knob now controls timing cursor
c. Adjust Timing Cursor 1 to the point where the pulse signal
intersects the approximate 50% amplitude level identified
by the Voltage Cursor.
d. Adjust Timing Cursor 2 to the point where the opposite
side of the pulse signal intersects the Voltage Cursor. See
Figure 4–8.
Figure 4–8: Setting Timing Cursors to Pulse Width
1780R-Series Operator’s Manual
If OTHER was selected on Step 1, this step allows the 1780R-Se-
ries instrument to determine the pulse width and adjust the
readout accordingly.
a. Voltage cursors are automatically set to 50% of the
amplitude entered in step 2.
b. Timing cursors are enabled and appear as bright-up dots
on the display. Large knob now controls timing cursor
c. Adjust Timing Cursor 1 to the point where the pulse signal
intersects the approximate 50% amplitude level identified
by the Voltage Cursor.
d. Adjust Timing Cursor 2 to the point where the opposite
side of the pulse signal intersects the Voltage Cursor. See
Figure 4–8.
Figure 4–8: Setting Timing Cursors to Pulse Width