TLS 216 Programmer Manual
This programmer manual covers the TLS 216 Logic Scope. It provides informa-
tion on operating your logic scope using the General Purpose Interface Bus
(GPIB) interface.
Section 1 Getting Started describes how to connect the logic scope to a
Section 2 Syntax and Commands describes the structure and content of the
messages your program sends to the logic scope. Section 2 also describes what
each command does and provides examples of how you might use them. The
subsection Command Groups lists commands by functional area. Command
Descriptions describes the commands in alphabetical order.
Section 3 Status and Events describes how to use service requests (SRQ’s) and
various event messages in your programs. This section also lists the status and
error messages the logic scope provides.
Section 4 Programming Examples describes some example logic scope programs
and how to compile them. The 3.5” and 5.25” disks that come with this manual
contain an executable and a Microsoft QuickC 2.5 source code version of each
Related Manuals
The following documents are related to the use or service of the logic scope.
H The TLS 216 User Manual (Tektronix part number 070-8834-00) describes
using a computer to control the logic scope through the GPIB interface.
H The TLS 216 Reference (Tektronix part number 070-8833-00) provides a
quick overview of how to operate your logic scope.
H The TLS 216 Performance Verification and Specifications Technical
Reference (Tektronix part number 070-8832-00) explains how to verify the
performance of the logic scope.
H The TLS 216 Service Manual (Tektronix part number 070-8831-00) provides
information for maintaining and servicing your logic scope to the module