Command Groups
TLS 216 Programmer Manual
Vertical Commands
Vertical commands control the display of groups, of their channels and wave-
forms, and or reference waveforms.
The logic scope stores and displays waveforms in groups, which contain one or
more channels each of which can contain one waveform. Use vertical commands
to vertically position, offset, scale, and otherwise manipulate groups of wave-
You must include a channel in a group to acquire (sample and digitize) its
waveform; channels not included in any group (or included in a group that is off)
can only be used as trigger sources.
Table 2–19: Vertical Commands
Header Description
CH<x>? Return all channel vertical parameters
CH<x>:BANdwidth? Return specified channel bandwidth
CH<x>:COUPling? Return specified channel coupling mode
CH<x>:IMPedance? Return specified channel impedance
CH<x>:OFFSet? Return specified channel offset
CH<x>:POSition? Return specified channel position
Return specified channel scale
GROUPSET Set channel contents for all groups
GROUP<x>? Return group parameters
GROUP<x>:BANdwidth Set group bandwidth
GROUP<x>:DELETE Delete group
GROUP<x>:DISplay Set display mode for group
GROUP<x>:FIRst Set first channel in group
GROUP<x>:HEIght Change bus and timing group waveform
GROUP<x>:LAST Set last channel in the group
GROUP<x>:OFFSet Set group offset
GROUP<x>:POSition Set group position
GROUP<x>:SCAle Set or return the group volts/div
GROUP<x>:SELect Set selected channel in group
GROUP<x>:VHIgh Set the upper threshold voltage for determin-
ing Bus Mode displays
Groups vs. Channels