Command Groups
TLS 216 Programmer Manual
Table 2–9: Display Commands (Cont.)
Header Description
DISplay:STYle Set waveform dots, vector, infinite or variable
DISplay:TRIGT Control display of the trigger indicator on
DISplay:TRIGBar Control display of the trigger bars on screen
MESSage Remove text from the message window
MESSage:BOX Set size and location of message window
MESSage:SHOw Remove and display text in the message
MESSage:STATE Control display of message window
File System Commands
File system commands help you use the built-in 3.5I floppy disk drive.
Table 2–10: File System Commands
Header Description
FILESystem? Return file system settings
FILESystem:COPy Copy file to new file
FILESystem:CWD Set directory path
FILESystem:DELEte Delete named file
FILESystem:DELWarn Set front panel delete warning
FILESystem:DIR Return files and directories in CWD
FILESystem:FORMat Format named drive
FILESystem:FREESpace Return free space on current drive
FILESystem:MKDir Make new directory
FILESystem:OVERWrite Set file-overwrite protection
FILESystem:PRInt Print file to port
FILESystem:REName Assign new name to file
FILESystem:RMDir Delete named directory