Command Groups
TLS 216 Programmer Manual
Table 2–12: Horizontal Commands (Cont.)
Header Description
HORizontal:MAIn? Return main time/division
HORizontal:MAIn:SCAle Set main time base time/division
HORizontal:MAIn:SECdiv Same as HORizontal:MAIn:SCAle
HORizontal:MODe Turn delay time base on or off
HORizontal:POSition Set portion of waveform to display
HORizontal:RECOrdlength Set number of points in waveform record
HORizontal:SCAle Same as HORizontal:MAIn:SCAle
HORizontal:SECdiv Same as HORizontal:MAIn:SCAle
HORizontal:TRIGger? Return trigger position
HORizontal:TRIGger:POSition Set main time base trigger position
Measurement Commands
Measurement commands control the automated measurement system. Up to four
automated measurements can be displayed on the screen. In the commands, these
four measurement readouts are named MEAS<x>, where <x> can be 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Measurement commands can set and query measurement parameters. You can
assign some parameters, such as waveform sources, differently for each
measurement readout. Other parameters, such as reference levels, have only one
value, which applies to all measurements.
Although the logic scope displays waveforms as groups, it takes automated
measurements on the selected channel within the group. Keep in mind, however,
that the selected channel must be part of a group and that group must be selected.
The instrument can only make measurements on references if the reference is
displayed. See Vertical Commands on page 2–34 for defining waveform groups
and which channels they contain.
In addition to the four displayed measurements, the measurement commands let
you specify a fifth measurement, IMMed. An immediate measurement has no
front-panel equivalent. The instrument never displays immediate measurements.
Because they are computed only when needed, immediate measurements slow
the waveform update rate less than displayed measurements.
Whether you use displayed or immediate measurements, you use the VALue?
query to obtain measurement results.
Groups vs. Channels
Immediate Measurements