Summation/Shifter Register
Analog-to-Digital Converter
SSCON1 and SSCON0 (SSCON.7 and SSCON.6, respectively) control which
of the four modes the summation register will operate in.
SCNT0, SCNT1, and SCNT2 (SSCON.3 through SSCON.5) are used to indi-
cate how many ADC samples should be obtained and summed to the summa-
tion register. The number of samples that will be obtained and added are:
SCNT2 SCNT1 SCNT0 Summation Count
0 0 0 2
0 0 1 4
0 1 0 8
0 1 1 16
1 0 0 32
1 0 1 64
1 1 0 128
1 1 1 256
When the requested number of samples have been obtained and summed, a
summation auxiliary interrupt will be triggered, if enabled.
SHF2, SHF1, and SHF0 (SSCON.0 through SSCON.2) are used to indicate
by what value the final summation value should be divided. Specifically, the
value indicates how many bits to the right the final summation value will be
shifted, less one. Thus, a shift count of 0 reflects a final right shift by 1, which
equates to a divide by 2. A shift count of 4 reflects a final right shift by 5, which
equates to a divide by 32.
SHF2 SHF1 SHF0 Shift Summation Count
0 0 0 1 2
0 0 1 2 4
0 1 0 3 8
0 1 1 4 16
1 0 0 5 32
1 0 1 6 64
1 1 0 7 128
1 1 1 8 256