8052 Instruction Set
8052 Instruction Set
MOV Move Memory Into/Out of Accumulator
Syntax MOV operand1, operand2
Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags
MOV A,#data8 0x74 2 1 None
MOV A,@R0 0xE6 1 1 None
MOV A,@R1 0xE7 1 1 None
MOV @R0,A 0xF6 1 1 None
MOV @R1,A 0xF7 1 1 None
MOV A,R0 0xE8 1 1 None
MOV A,R1 0xE9 1 1 None
MOV A,R2 0xEA 1 1 None
MOV A,R3 0xEB 1 1 None
MOV A,R4 0xEC 1 1 None
MOV A,R5 0xED 1 1 None
MOV A,R6 0xEE 1 1 None
MOV A,R7 0xEF 1 1 None
MOV A,direct 0xE5 2 1 None
MOV R0,A 0xF8 1 1 None
MOV R1,A 0xF9 1 1 None
MOV R2,A 0xFA 1 1 None
MOV R3,A 0xFB 1 1 None
MOV R4,A 0xFC 1 1 None
MOV R5,A 0xFD 1 1 None
MOV R6,A 0xFE 1 1 None
MOV R7,A 0xFF 1 1 None
MOV direct,A 0xF5 2 1 None
MOV copies the value of operand2 into operand1. The value of operand2 is
not affected.
MOV Move Into/Out of Carry Bit
Syntax MOV bit1,bit2
Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags
MOV C,bitAddr 0xA2 2 1 C
MOV bitAddr,C 0x92 2 2 None
MOV copies the value of bit2 into bit1. The value of bit2 is not affected. Either
bit1 or bit2 must refer to the carry bit.