Using Timer 2
It is important to note that the MSC1210 checks the P3.4 line each instruction
cycle (4 clock cycles). This means that if P3.4 is low, goes high, and goes back
low in 3 clock cycles, it will probably not be detected by the MSC1210. This also
means the MSC1210 event counter is only capable of counting events that occur
at a maximum of 1/8th the rate of the crystal frequency. That is to say, if the crystal
frequency is 12.000MHz, it can count a maximum of 1 500 000 events per second
(12.000MHz S 1/8 = 1 500 000). If the event being counted occurs more than
1 500 000 times per second, the MSC1210 will not be able to accurately count
the event without using additional external circuitry or a faster crystal.
8.5 Using Timer 2
The MSC1210 has a third timer, Timer 2, which functions slightly differently
than Timers 0 and 1 and, for that reason, we are addressing this third timer sep-
arately from the first two.
8.5.1 T2CON SFR
The operation of Timer 2 (T2) is controlled almost entirely by the T2CON SFR,
at address C8
. This SFR is bit-addressable because this SFR is evenly divis-
ible by eight.
The individual bits of T2CON have the following functions:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset Value
TF2 (bit 7)—Timer 2 Overflow Flag. This flag will be set when Timer 2 overflows
from FFFF
. It must be cleared by software. TF2 will only be set if RCLK and TCLK
are both cleared to 0. Writing a 1 to TF2 forces a Timer 2 interrupt if enabled.
EXF2 (bit 6) Timer 2 External Flag. A negative transition on the T2EX pin
(P1.1) will cause this flag to be set based on the EXEN2 (T2CON.3) bit. If set
by a negative transition, this flag must be cleared to 0 by software. Setting this
bit in software will force a timer interrupt, if enabled.
RCLK (bit 5)—Receive Clock Flag. This bit determines the serial Port 0 time-
base when receiving data in serial modes 1 or 3.
0 = Timer 1 overflow is used to determine receiver baud rate for serial Port 0.
1 = Timer 2 overflow is used to determine receiver baud rate for serial Port 0.
Setting this bit will force Timer 2 into baud rate generation mode. The timer will
operate from a divide by 2 of the external clock.
TCLK (bit 4)—Transmit Clock Flag. This bit determines the serial Port 0 timer
base when transmitting data in serial modes 1 or 3.
0 = Timer 1 overflow is used to determine transmitter baud rate for serial Port 0.
1 = Timer 2 overflow is used to determine transmitter baud rate for serial Port 0.
Setting this bit will force Timer 2 into baud rate generation mode. The timer will
operate from a divide by 2 of the external clock.
EXEN2 (bit 3)—Timer 2 External Enable. This bit enables the capture/reload
function on the T2EX pin if Timer 2 is not generating baud rates for the serial port.
0 = Timer 2 will ignore all external events at T2EX.
1 = Timer 2 will capture or reload a value if a negative transition is detected on
the T2EX pin.