Enhanced 8051 Core
1.3 Enhanced 8051 Core
The MSC1210 is an 8052-based family of high-performance, mixed-signal
controllers. All instructions in the MSC1210 family perform exactly the same
function as they would in a standard 8052 core. Although the effect on bits,
flags, and registers is the same, the timing is different.
The MSC1210 family uses an efficient 8052 core that results in an improved
instruction execution speed of three times faster than the original core for the
same external clock speed (4 clock cycles per instruction versus 12 clock
cycles per instruction, as shown in Figure 1−3). This allows you to run the de-
vice at slower external clock speeds, which reduces system noise and power
consumption, but provides greater throughput.
Figure 1−3. MSC1210 Timing Compared to Standard 8051 Timing
The timing of software loops is faster with the MSC1210 than with the standard
8052. However, the timer/counter operation of the MSC1210 may be maintained
at 12 clocks per increment or optionally run at 4 clocks per increment.
You can develop software for the MSC1210 with the existing 8052 develop-
ment tools because the MSC1210 is fully compatible with the standard 8052
instruction set. Additionally, a complete integrated development environment
is provided with each demonstration board.