Panning Aux Sends 41
01V96i—Reference Manual
Aux Outs
This field displays in dB the level of the Aux Send cur-
rently-selected by the cursor.
2. Move the cursor to either the DISPLAY LEVEL
or PRE/POST button, then press [ENTER] to
display the Level or Pre/Post parameters.
3. If you selected the PRE/POST button in Step
2, move the cursor to the desired Input Chan-
nel and Aux intersection, then press the
[ENTER] button to change the signal source
4. If you selected the LEVEL button in Step 2,
move the cursor to the desired Input Channel
and Aux intersection, then edit the Send level
or turn the currently-selected AUX Send on or
Rotate the Parameter wheel or press the [INC]/[DEC]
buttons to set the Send level, then press the [ENTER] but-
ton to turn the currently-selected Aux Send on or off.
One of the following indicators appears, depending on
the current Aux mode.
• Aux Sends in Fixed mode
A “FIX” indicator appears for On Aux Sends, and a dot
“.” appears for Off Aux Sends.
• Aux Sends in Variable mode
The current Send levels are displayed by the bar graphs. If
the level is set to nominal (0.0 dB), “N” appears in the bar.
The bars for Aux Sends that are turned off are high-
Panning Aux Sends
You can pair adjacent odd-even (in this order) Aux Sends for
stereo operation. This enables you to pan signals from Input
Channels to paired Aux Sends.
1. Pair the desired two Aux Sends. (See page 33
for more information on pairing channels.)
2. Use the FADER MODE [AUX 1]–[AUX 8] but-
tons to select one of the paired Aux Sends.
3. Repeatedly press the button you pressed in
Step 2 to display the Aux | Pan page.
1 Aux pan controls
These controls adjust the pan setting of signals routed
from Input Channels to paired Aux buses.
The MODE parameter determines how paired Input
Channels are panned.
When this parameter is turned on, Aux Sends follow the
Input Channel Pan.
4. Move the cursor to the Aux pan control of the
desired Input Channel, the rotate the Param-
eter wheel to set the pan value.
5. If necessary, move the cursor to the MODE
parameter box, then rotate the Parameter
wheel to select INDIVIDUAL, GANG, or INV
GANG, then press [ENTER].
If the INPUT PAN LINK ON/OFF button is turned off,
this Mode setting is independent of the Mode parameter
on the Pan page. (See page 22 for more information on
Mode options.)
Note: You can switch between Pre and Post only for Aux
Sends that are set to Variable mode. The “FIX” indication
appears for Aux Sends that are set to Fixed mode, and you
cannot switch Pre/Post.