Using Libraries 81
01V96i—Reference Manual
EQ Library
This library enables you to store and recall EQ settings for
Input Channels, Bus Outs 1–8, Aux Outs 1–8, and Stereo Out.
The library contains 40 preset memories and 160 user (read-
able & writable) memories.
Follow the steps below to use the EQ library.
1. Press the DISPLAY ACCESS [EQ] button, then
press the [F2] button.
The EQ | EQ Library page appears.
This parameter displays the currently-selected channel
EQ type (TYPE I or II).
This graph displays the current EQ curve.
3 Level meters
These meters indicate the post-EQ levels of the cur-
rently-selected channel and its available pair partner.
4 Type & Curve section
The type and curve of the currently-selected EQ program
are displayed here.
2. Use the LAYER buttons to select layers, then
press the [SEL] buttons to select channels.
You can now store the selected channel EQ settings or
recall the EQ library memories to channels. For details on
storing and recalling memories, see “General Library
Operation” on page 74.
The following table lists the preset memories in the EQ
No. Preset Name Description
1 Bass Drum 1 Emphasizes the low range of a bass drum and the attack created by the beater.
2 Bass Drum 2 Creates a peak around 80 Hz, producing a tight, stiff sound.
3 Snare Drum 1 Emphasizes “snappy” and rimshot sounds.
4 Snare Drum 2 Emphasizes various ranges for that classic rock snare drum sound.
5 Tom-tom 1 Emphasizes the attack of tom-toms, and creates a long, “leathery” decay.
6 Cymbal Emphasizes the attack of crash cymbals, extending the “sparkling” decay.
7 High Hat Use on a tight high-hat, emphasizing the mid to high range.
8 Percussion
Emphasizes attack and adds clarity to the high-range of instruments, such as shakers, cabasas, and con-
9 E. Bass 1 Produces a tight electric bass sound by cutting very low frequencies.
10 E. Bass 2 Unlike preset 9, this preset emphasizes the low range of an electric bass.
11 Syn. Bass 1 Use on a synth bass with emphasized low range.
12 Syn. Bass 2 Emphasizes the attack that is peculiar to synth bass.
13 Piano 1 Makes pianos sound brighter.
14 Piano 2 Used in conjunction with a compressor, this preset emphasizes the attack and low range of pianos.
15 E. G. Clean Use for line-level recording of an electric or semi-acoustic guitar to get a slightly harder sound.
16 E. G. Crunch 1 Adjusts the tonal quality of a slightly distorted guitar sound.
17 E. G. Crunch 2 A variation on preset 16.
18 E. G. Dist. 1 Makes a heavily distorted guitar sound clearer.
19 E. G. Dist. 2 A variation on preset 18.
20 A. G. Stroke 1 Emphasizes the bright tones of acoustic guitars.
21 A. G. Stroke 2 A variation on preset 20. You can also use it with an acoustic-electric nylon string guitar.
22 A. G. Arpeg. 1 Ideal for arpeggio playing on acoustic guitars.
23 A. G. Arpeg. 2 A variation on preset 22.
24 Brass Sec.
Use with trumpets, trombones, or saxes. When used with a single instrument, try adjusting the HIGH
or HIGH-MID frequency.
25 Male Vocal 1
An EQ template for male vocals. Try adjusting the HIGH or HIGH-MID parameters according to the
voice quality.