Using Libraries 77
01V96i—Reference Manual
For details on storing and recalling programs, see “General Library Operation” on page 74.
The following tables list the preset effects programs in the Effects library:
• Modulation-based Effects
•Guitar Effects
•Dynamic Effects
No. Preset Name Type Description
1 Reverb Hall REVERB HALL Concert hall reverberation simulation with gate
2 Reverb Room REVERB ROOM Room reverberation simulation with gate
3 Reverb Stage REVERB STAGE Reverb designed for vocals, with gate
4 Reverb Plate REVERB PLATE Plate reverb simulation with gate
5 Early Ref. EARLY REF. Early reflections without the subsequent reverb
6 Gate Reverb GATE REVERB Gated early reflections
7 Reverse Gate REVERSE GATE Gated reverse early reflections
No. Preset Name Type Description
8 Mono Delay MONO DELAY Simple mono delay
9 Stereo Delay STEREO DELAY Simple stereo delay
10 Mod.delay MOD.DELAY Simple repeat delay with modulation
11 Delay LCR DELAY LCR 3-tap (left, center, right) delay
12 Echo ECHO Stereo delay with crossed left/right feedback
No. Preset Name Type Description
13 Chorus CHORUS Chorus
14 Flange FLANGE Flanger
15 Symphonic SYMPHONIC
Proprietary Yamaha effect that produces a richer and more complex modu-
lation than normal chorus
16 Phaser PHASER 16-stage stereo phase shifter
17 Auto Pan AUTO PAN Auto-panner
19 HQ.Pitch HQ.PITCH
Mono pitch shifter, producing stable results (Available for internal effects 1
and 2.)
20 Dual Pitch DUAL PITCH Stereo pitch shifter
21 Rotary ROTARY Rotary speaker simulation
22 Ring Mod. RING MOD. Ring modulator
23 Mod.Filter MOD.FILTER Modulated filter
No. Preset Name Type Description
24 Distortion DISTORTION Distortion
25 Amp Simulate AMP SIMULATE Guitar amp simulation
No. Preset Name Type Description
26 Dyna.Filter DYNA.FILTER Dynamically controlled filter
27 Dyna.Flange DYNA.FLANGE Dynamically controlled flanger
28 Dyna.Phaser DYNA.PHASER Dynamically controlled phase shifter