78 Libraries
01V96i—Reference Manual
• Combination Effects
• Add-On Effects
No. Preset Name Type Description
29 Rev+Chorus REV+CHORUS Reverb and chorus in parallel
30 Rev->Chorus REV->CHORUS Reverb and chorus in series
31 Rev+Flange REV+FLANGE Reverb and flanger in parallel
32 Rev->Flange REV->FLANGE Reverb and flanger in series
33 Rev+Sympho. REV+SYMPHO. Reverb and symphonic in parallel
34 Rev->Sympho. REV->SYMPHO. Reverb and symphonic in series
35 Rev->Pan REV->PAN Reverb and auto-pan in series
36 Delay+ER. DELAY+ER. Delay and early reflections in parallel
37 Delay->ER. DELAY->ER. Delay and early reflections in series
38 Delay+Rev DELAY+REV Delay and reverb in parallel
39 Delay->Rev DELAY->REV Delay and reverb in series
40 Dist->Delay DIST->DELAY Distortion and delay in series
No. Preset Name Type Description
41 Multi.Filter MULTI.FILTER 3-band parallel filter (24 dB/octave)
42 Freeze FREEZE Simple sampler (Available for internal effects 1 and 2.)
43 Stereo Reverb ST REVERB Stereo reverb
44 M.Band Dyna. M.BAND DYNA. 3-band dynamics processor
No. Preset Name Type Description
45 Comp276 COMP276
This emulates the characteristics of an analog compressor that has become a
standard in recording studios.
46 Comp276S COMP276S This is a stereo model of Comp276.
47 Comp260 COMP260
This emulates the characteristics of a compressor/limiter of the mid-1970s
that has now become a standard for live sound reinforcement.
48 Comp260S COMP260S This is a stereo model of Comp260.
49 Equalizer601 EQUALIZER601 This emulates the characteristics of an analog equalizer of the 1970s.
50 OpenDeck OPENDECK
This is a mastering effect that emulates the tape compression produced by
two open-reel tape recorders, a recording deck and a reproduction deck.
REV-X reverb provides a high-density, richly reverberant sound quality, with
smooth decay, spaciousness and depth that enhance the original sound.
Three types are available: hall, room, and plate.
54 Max100 MAX100
This emulates a vintage phaser effect that was manufactured only during the
second half of the 1970s.
55 Vintage Phaser VNTG PHASER
Rather than limiting itself to reproducing any particular model, this phaser
offers an extremely high level of freedom in creating phaser sounds.
56 Dual Phaser DUAL PHASER This phaser emulates a vintage effect manufactured during the mid-1970s.