Chapter 10 Jobs
284 Chapter 10 Jobs
Press a bank selector and track pad (as necessary) to select the destination track.
If you select a track that already contains a sample, the screen displays the REPLACE
SAMPLE? warning message, indicating that you will overwrite the existing sample if
you proceed. If you do not wish to overwrite the sample, press [CANCEL] once. You
can then select a different destination.
Press [OK].
▼ The screen displays DRIVE=
Turn the dial as necessary to select the disk (partition) you wish to load from.
To load from floppy disk, select DRIVE=FDD. (This selection is forced if you have
not mounted a SCSI drive.)
To load from a SCSI disk, select DRIVE=SCSI (if the disk is unpartitioned) or
is the partition number).
After selecting the drive, press [OK].
▼ The screen shows the volume name of most recently selected volume on the se-
lected drive: VOLUME=
volume name
. (If you are loading from floppy disk, the
volume name will be FD_VOLUM.)
If you have selected FDD or a removable-disk SCSI device and no disk is present,
the screen will display NO DISK. If you have selected a disk that does not contain
any volumes, the screen will display VOLUME=(NONE). In either case, press [CAN-
CEL] as necessary to return to a previous step or to escape from the job.
If you are loading from a SCSI drive, turn the dial as necessary to select the volume
containing the sample that you want to load. (Remember that floppy disks hold a
single volume only; if you are loading from floppy disk, therefore, you will not be
able to change the selection.)
Press [OK].
▼ The screen displays SAMPLE=
sample name
, where
sample name
is the name of the
lowest numbered sample in the selected volume.
If the volume on disk contains no samples, the screen displays SAMPLE=(NONE).
Press [CANCEL] as necessary to return to a previous step or to escape from the job.
The sample name is a seven-character string indicating the sample’s song and track
location at the time you saved the volume to disk. The first three characters indicate
the song number (S01 to S20). The next two characters indicate the track type (LP
for LOOP track, CL for COMPOSED LOOP, or FR for FREE). The final two charac-
ters indicate the track number, where 01 indicates the first track in bank 1, 02 indi-
cates the second track in bank 1, and so on through all four banks.