
Error Messages 331
Error Messages
SIMM CONFIG ERR Installed SIMM configuration is not supported.
TOO MANY VOLUMES Tried to create more than 128 volumes on a single SCSI
partition. (Maximum is 128 volumes per partition.)
NO DISK No disk present in floppy drive or in removable-disk
SCSI drive; or SCSI drive’s power is off.
UNKNOWN DISK Disk is not formatted, or format is not recognized by the
NOT SU700 DISK Disk not formatted for use with the SU700.
BAD DISK SU700 unable to access disk.
WRITE PROTECTED Disk’s write protection tab is switched on.
CANNOT WRITE Unable to write to disk.
DISK FULL Disk has no remaining free capacity.
SAMPLE TOO LARGE Sample is too large to fit on floppy disk. (Occurs only
when attempting to export a sample.)
NO VOLUME Volume not present on disk.
FILE NOT FOUND Specified file not found on disk.
ILLEGAL FORMAT File type not recognized by SU700.
ILLEGAL FILE File is corrupted.
NAME EXISTS Attempted to assign a name that is already in use.
OPERATION FAILED Attempted operation failed.
SCSI DRV NOT RDY SCSI drive not ready to be accessed.
TRACKS FULL All sample tracks contain samples. (No empty sample
tracks remaining.)
BUFFER FULL MIDI receive buffer is full. (SU700 received more MIDI
data than it can handle.)
MEMORY FULL No more available sequence memory or sampling
CANNOT FIND LOOP Recorded sample is too long or too short for loop genera-