MIDI Data Format 345
MIDI Data Format
1. Channel Messages
1.1 Note Off
• Note-off messages are used to switch off note play, and are typically transmitted in
response to releasing of keys on a MIDI keyboard. On the SU700, these messages
correspond to releasing of the track pads.
• Only receiving is supported.
Status Note Number Value
8nH kkH vvH
n: MIDI channel 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16)
kk: Note number 0H to 7FH (C-2 to G8)
vv: Ignored.
1.2 Note On
• Note-on messages are used to trigger note play, and are typically transmitted in
response to striking of keys on a MIDI keyboard. On the SU700, these messages
correspond to pressing of the track pads.
• Sending and receiving are both supported.
Status Note Number Value
9nH kkH vvH
n: MIDI channel 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16)
kk: Note number 0H to 7FH (C-2 to G8)
vv: Note-on velocity 1H to 7FH (1 to 127)
Note-off 0H (0)
1.3 Control Change
• Corresponds to SU700 knob operation.
• Sending and receiving are both supported.
Status Note Number Value
BnH ccH vvH
n: MIDI channel 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16)
cc: Control number 0H to 77H (0 to 119)
vv: Value 0H to 7FH (0 to 127)