
Chapter 2 Tutorial
56 Chapter 2 Tutorial
Then press here or here to
move to start-point or end-
point adjustment screen.
Press here first
(one time only.)
Next, press the top job selector if you wish to adjust the start point, or the second job
selector if you wish to adjust the end point. You can move back and forth between
the two adjustments as necessary by pressing these two buttons.
After selecting the start point (or end point) adjustment screen, you can adjust the
start point (end point) by turning the dial. (You can change the increment of adjust-
ment using the
and buttons.)
Continue holding the pad down while making the adjustments, so that you can hear
the results. Move back and forth between start-point and end-point adjustment screens
until you have selected the precise span of the waveform that you want.
Start-point adjustment End-point adjustment
When you are satisfied with the results, press the [OK] button to return to the main
You are not locked into these settings. If you decide later that the start and end points are
not quite right, you can always go back and readjust.
Now press the pad for the LOOP 1 track and listen to the playback. Confirm that the
loop sounds good.