C. E. Smith 52100 Boating Equipment User Manual

f. Choose the shortest standoffs you can, so the room you have to
walk around your console is maximized.
g. Position your standoffs as high on the console as possible. Higher
mounting provides increasingly better support to the Ttop canopy.
h. Be sure to leave at least 1-1/4 inches of ”hand hold grab-clearance”
especially around the front upright tube near the windshield.
5. Locate your upright feet close to the console sides, on strong deck
suitable to carry the stress the Ttop will transfer to the deck when in use.
You may angle each foot to best compliment the shape of your console
and to fit around any irregularities.
a. On most boats, screws must be used to mount the feet to the deck
because there is no access to the underside of the deck to allow
through bolting. For this reason, quality stainless screws are
provided with your Ttop. It is the purchaser’s responsibility to be
sure the deck is made of a material suitable for screws.
b. For any accessory you attach to your boat, if you have access to
the back side of the mounting location it’s always best to thru-bolt
and back plate anything you attach to your boat for maximum
c. Be very cautious when drilling holes in your deck. Especially if you
are not absolutely sure how thick the deck is, what structure is
under it, do electrical wires run there, fuel lines, and most
importantly, don’t drill a hole in your fuel tank or anything else under
the deck that should not be drilled into.
d. That said, on many boats it is difficult to know what’s under the
deck and there is no access for visual inspection, so accessories
must be installed via “blind” drilling. Do so very slowly and pay
close attention to the chips coming out of the hole. If you see any
non-deck material in the chips or if you feel any change in
resistance to drilling, stop and evaluate if you should proceed.
Never let the bit run deeper than the length of the screw.
6. You may find you need to shift the uprights fore or aft to find the best
combination of standoff mounting locations and foot mounting locations.
7. See #8 and #9. Lightly clamp the standoffs onto the upright frames and
test your length and style selection.
8. As you do #7, be sure to clamp the standoffs on with the standoff cap on
top. That way if you ever remove your Ttop for storage you can remove