Garmin 160 Fish Finder User Manual

Unit Operation
Setup Menu/Alarms
Deep Water
The Deep Water Alarm can be set to sound a warning at a depth
determined by the user. Before the unit will sound a warning the alarm
must be activated.
Activating/Deactivating the Deep Water Alarm:
1. Highlight the Alarm tab on the Setup Menu.
2. Highlight the Deep Water checkbox.
3. Pressing ENTER will insert or remove a check mark in the checkbox.
Setting the Deep Water Alarm Depth:
1. Highlight the Deep Water Depth Field and press ENTER.
2. Using the arrow keys input the desired depth, press ENTER to accept
the setting.
Battery Voltage
The Battery Voltage alarm can be set to warn you when the battery is
reaching a critical state of discharge.
Activating/Deactivating the Deep Water Alarm:
1. Highlight the Alarm tab on the Setup Menu.
2. Highlight the Battery Volts checkbox.
3. Pressing ENTER will insert or remove a check mark in the checkbox.
Setting the Battery Volts Alarm:
1. Highlight the Battery Volts eld and press ENTER.
2. Using the arrow keys input the desired voltage, press ENTER to accept
the setting.
Deep Water Alarm
Battery Voltage Alarm
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