Map Borders allows you to display or hide map borders. (Hidden, Visible,
Default = Hidden)
Lat/Lon Grid allows you to display or hide a grid showing latitude and longitude.
(Hidden, Visible, Default = Hidden)
Spot Soundings allows you to display or hide spot soundings, which are depth
measurements shown on the chart. (Hidden, Visible, Default = Hidden)
Grid Rotation allows you to set the orientation of the trolling grid in degrees, where
a setting of 0° displays a standard North, South, East, West alignment. The Grid
Rotation setting will be applied to all navigation views whenever the grid is turned
on. (0° to 89°, in increments of 1°, Default = 0°)
Alarms Menu T
Alarms Menu T
Various audible alarms can be triggered in the Matrix
unit based on these menu settings. When an alarm is
triggered, it can be silenced by pressing the EXIT key.
Additional navigation-specific menu choices appear under
the Alarms menu tab in the Main Menu System when a
functioning GPS receiver is attached to the Matrix unit.
NOTE: When an alarm is triggered, you can silence it by
pressing any key. Once you silence an Off Course or Drift
alarm, it will not sound again as long as the boat remains
outside the set alarm limits. These alarms will turn off
automatically if the boat moves back inside the limit.
From any view, press the MENU key twice to access the
Main Menu System, and to display the Alarms tab,
which contains the following menu choices when you
are in Normal User Mode:
Depth Alarm sounds when the digital depth becomes equal
to or less than the menu setting.
Alarm Menu showing
Navigation Alarms
Fish Alarm sounds when the Fish ID+
feature displays fish symbols that correspond
to the menu setting.
Low Battery Alarm sounds when the input battery voltage is equal to or less than
the menu setting.
Off Course Alarm allows you to set how far the
boat is allowed to move off course before the Off
Course Alarm will sound. This also changes the
display size of the Off Course Alarm limits that
surround two waypoints on a route. (Off, 30 to
3000 feet in increments of 30, 10 to 1000 meters*
in increments of 10, Default = 300 ft, 100 m)
Arrival Alarm allows you to set how close the boat
must be to the destination waypoint before the
Arrival Alarm will sound. This also changes the
display size of the Arrival Alarm circle that
surrounds the destination waypoint. (Off, 30 to
3000 feet in increments of 30, 10 to 1000 meters*
in increments of 10, Default = 150 ft, 50 m)
Drift Alarm allows you to set the size of a perimeter
around the boat’s anchored position; if the anchored
boat drifts outside of that perimeter, the Drift Alarm
will sound. This setting also changes the display size
of the Drift Alarm perimeter that surrounds the
boat’s current position. (Off, 30 to 3000 feet in
increments of 30, 10 to 1000 meters* in increments
of 10, Default = Off).
*NOTE: Metric units of measure are available on
Inter-national models only.
Alarm Tone selects the pitch of the alarm sound to improve audibility. As the
menu is adjusted a brief tone will be produced so that you can select the tone that
you can hear best.
Drift Alarm Perimeter
Arrival Alarm Circle
Off Course Limits
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