SPD Troubleshooting Guide -6- 10/25/00
2) Upon booting, my server starts beeping
Most likely, these beeps are “beep codes.” They identify system events in case video fails to display. The following
list is an excerpt of available beep codes. Contact your customer service representative for a complete list of beep
Table 1. Standard BIOS Port-80 Codes
CP Beeps Reason
xx 1-1-1-1
There are no processors present in the system, or the processors are so
incompatible that the system BIOS cannot run (like mismatched cache
16 1-2-2-3
BIOS ROM checksum.
20 1-3-1-1
Test DRAM refresh.
22 1-3-1-3
Test 8742 Keyboard Controller.
28 1-3-3-1
Autosize DRAM, system BIOS stops execution here if the BIOS does not detect
any usable memory DIMMs.
2C 1-3-4-1
Base RAM failure, BIOS stops execution here if entire memory is bad.
46 2-1-2-3
Check ROM copyright notice.
58 2-2-3-1
Test for unexpected interrupts.
98 1-2 Search for option ROMs. One long, two short beeps on checksum failure.
B4 1 One short beep before boot.
Table 2. Recovery BIOS Port-80 Codes
CP Beeps Reason
xx 1-1-1-1
There are no processors present in the system, or the processors are so
incompatible that the system BIOS cannot run (like mismatched cache
Table 3. BMC Beep Codes
Beeps Reason
Empty processor slot or processor in memory board slot
No processors installed or processor SEEPROM inaccessible.
P2XP L2 cache voltage ID mismatch, modules 1&2
P2XP L2 cache voltage ID mismatch, modules 3&4
FRB failure
Power fault: DC power unexpectedly lost
Chipset power control failure (no response)
Power control fault
3) My HDD lights went on, I heard the drives spin up, and my floppy drive light turned
on, but I’m not seeing video
Check the following:
• Remove all add-in cards and retry booting with just the on-board components. If successful, try adding the
add-in boards one at a time with a reboot in between to try to pinpoint a suspect card.