Mount the sonar: slide the unit onto the bracket from above.
Adjust viewing angle: use one hand to press and release the spring-
loaded ratchets while you move the unit with the other hand.
Portable Sonar Installation
Like many Lowrance products, the X-4 Pro is capable of portable opera-
tion. It uses the optional PPP-12 portable power pack. The power pack
and portable transducers expand the uses for your sonar.
You can use your unit on your boat or take it to the dock, on a float
tube, on an ice fishing trip or use it as a second sonar in a friend's boat.
The PPP-12 package includes the power pack, battery adapter and a port-
able transducer. The transducer can be stored inside the power pack. The
PPP-12 requires eight AA alkaline batteries. Batteries are not included.
To use a portable power pack, you install the batteries and then attach
the sonar unit to the power pack's bracket.
Bracket front
ratchets to