This training section is provided, for the use of operational crews, to relay important
information on the safe use and care of an inflatable work vest. A user of this device must
be over 16 years of age, with a chest range of 30-52 inches (76-132 cm) weighing over 80
pounds (36 kg).
This section will detail what a user needs to know to use this inflatable work vest (and
maintain it if designated to do so). The following information should be read by each user to
ensure understanding of how this inflatable PFD works. (Operators may wish to designate
certain individuals to maintain the PFDs.)
• How to inspect the device prior to use
• Inflation methods
• How to don the device
• How to remove the device
• Deflation
• Stowage
• User warnings and cautions
• Re-arming
• Repacking
• Maintenance and Care
Depending on the application, it is each user’s and each operator’s responsibility to ensure
the inflatable work vest is fit for use and is serviceable. This vest is designed to be more
comfortable and less restrictive to wear than a foam vest, but it will not float you
unless inflated.
The MD3188 features Hydrostatic Inflator Technology (HIT)™, which reduces instances of
inadvertent inflation due to moisture or spray. The inflator must be submerged in at least four
(4) inches of water before it automatically inflates. See “How to Inspect the Device Prior to
Use” to ensure it will inflate as anticipated in an emergency situation.
How to inspect the Device Prior to Use
Read the Visual Inspection Instructions and Readiness Checklist on page 4.
MD3188 Inflatable PFD Manufacturer's Manual