Table 5.3. Audible and visual alarm types
Alarm reasonAlarm type
PO2 value is greater than the adjusted value. Current
depth is too deep for the gas in use. You should imme-
diately ascend or change to a gas with a lower oxygen
High priority alarm followed
by "Start ascending" beep,
repeated for the maximum of
three minutes. The PO2 value
Decompression ceiling depth is exceeded. You should
immediately descend to, or below, the ceiling.
High priority alarm followed
by "Start descending" beep,
repeated for the maximum of
three minutes. The Er symbol
blinks and an arrow points
Maximum allowed ascent rate, 10 m per min / 33 ft per
min, is exceeded. Slow the ascend rate down.
High priority alarm, sounded
three times. The SLOW sym-
bol blinks.
No-decompression dive turns into a decompression
stop dive. Depth is below the decompression floor
level. You should ascend to, or above, the floor.
Low priority alarm followed by
the "Start ascending" beep,
sounded two times. The ASC
TIME symbol blinks and an
arrow points upwards.