The change in your air consumption is based on constant one second interval pressure
measurements over 30–60 second periods.An increase in air consumption influences
the remaining air time rapidly, while a drop in air consumption increases the air time
slowly. In this way, an over optimistic air time estimation, caused by a temporary drop
in air consumption, is avoided.
The remaining air time calculation includes a 35 bar/500 psi safety reserve. This means
that when the instrument shows the air time to be zero, there is still about 35 bar/500
psi of pressure left in your cylinder, depending on your air consumption rate. With a
high consumption rate, the limit will be closer to 50 bar/700 psi and with a low rate
closer to 35 bar/500 psi.
Filling your BC affects the air time calculation due to the temporary
increase in air consumption.
The remaining air time is not displayed when either deep stops
or the decompression ceiling have been activated. You can recall
the remaining air time by long-pressing the DOWN button, but
the ceiling disappears.
A change of temperature will affect the cylinder pressure and
consequently the air time calculation.
Low Air Pressure Warnings
The dive computer will warn you with three (3) audible double beeps and a blinking
pressure display when the cylinder pressure reaches 50 bar/700 psi.