2. Type the server name in the Which server do you want to connect to? box, or select a server
from the drop-down list.
If you've used a number of SMARTBridgit servers, they appear in the Which server do you
want to connect to? list. This makes it easy to connect to servers you've used before without
typing the server name again.
3. Click Connect.
g To leave a meeting and exit or quit SMARTBridgit client software
1. Select Menu > Exit SMARTBridgit (Windows) or Menu >Quit (Mac computers).
A confirmation dialog box appears.
If you're the owner of the meeting, the confirmation dialog box also asks whether you want to
disconnect all other users.
2. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box.
Searching for a meeting
After you connect to a SMARTBridgit server, you can either choose the meeting you want to join
from the list or search for a meeting.
g To search for a meeting
In the SMART Bridgit Software dialog box, type a meeting name in the Meeting name box.
Click the drop-down menu arrow and select a meeting from a list of available meetings.
If the owner of a meeting sets a password, you must enter the password to join the meeting.
Joining a meeting from an e-mail invitation
When you receive an e-mail invitation to join a meeting, the invitation includes a link that you click to
connect to the server and join the meeting. (You can also join a meeting directly from SMARTBridgit
client software.)
C H A P T ER 2
Using SMARTBridgit