g To share your webcam's view
Click Show/Hide Video Window .
2. Click Start My Webcam.
The Video window opens to show your webcam as it appears to the other participants.
When you share your webcam view during a SMARTBridgit meeting the following occurs:
The Show/Hide Video Window appears in color to indicate that the webcam is
The webcam views of other participants open below the Video window in thumbnail size.
When you hover the mouse over one of the thumbnail images, a message appears
showing you the name of the person sharing that webcam.
You can move the Video window.
You can resize the Video window.
You can hide the Video window and then show it again later.
You can stop sharing your webcam at any time.
g To move the Video window
Click the title bar of the window and move it to its new location.
g To resize the Video window
Drag the lower right corner of the window (Windows operating systems) or any corner of the window
(Mac operating system software).
g To hide or show the Video window
Click Show/Hide Video Window .
g To stop sharing your webcam
Click Show/Hide Video Window .
2. Click Stop My Webcam.
Your webcam no longer appears in the Video window. If other participants are still sharing their
webcams, they remain visible.
C H A P T ER 2
Using SMARTBridgit