3. Select or clear check boxes to enable or disable the options described below, and then click
Option Description
Require others to
When you select this option, meeting participants must request before
speaking. Otherwise, they can click Open My Mic and speak right away.
When speaking requests are enabled, the presenter and owner receive a
notification, and they can allow or deny the request to speak from the
participant list.
Allow others to
When you select this option, meeting participants can use their drawing
tools and screen pointer to highlight on-screen information. This option is
selected by default. If you want to be the only one who can draw and erase
on the desktop, clear this option.
Allow others to
share their
When you select this option, meeting participants can ask to take over
sharing, making their desktops visible instead of yours. You can decline
the request. This option is selected by default. If you don't want
participants to ask to take over sharing, clear this option.
Allow others to
share their
When you select this option, meeting participants can share their
webcams, making them visible to the other participants. Up to four
participants can share their webcams at the same time. This option is
selected by default. If you want to be the only one in the meeting who can
share a webcam, clear this option. You can still share your webcam, but
participants can't share theirs.
This option is available only when the SMARTBridgit server
administrator enables it on the server.
Allow remote
control of your
This option lets you enable and disable remote control of the presenter's
desktop. When you enable remote control, meeting participants can take
control of the presenter's desktop by clicking Request Remote Control in
the menu or by clicking on the shared desktop.
During a remote control session, the presenter can regain control
by clicking the desktop.
This option is available only if the SMARTBridgit server
administrator enables it on the server.
Allow others to
raise their hand
When you select this option, meeting participants can politely request to
interrupt the meeting.
Allow others to
knock to join the
When you select this option, meeting participants can join a meeting
without receiving an email invitation and a password to the meeting. The
knock is visible to all participants.
C H A P T ER 2
Using SMARTBridgit