
If the SMART Bridgit software administrator disables audio on the server, you're unable to use the
audio features.
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) standard
SMARTBridgit software complies with the SSL 3.0 standard for secure communications. Data
transmitted in SSL mode is encrypted to prevent a third party from viewing it while it’s in transit
between a client and server. SMARTBridgit software has been tested to ensure the encryption
mechanism and the communication layers conform to the standard.
Software toolkit vendors supply libraries that implement the SSL standard and that can be used to
build SSL-capable applications. SMART Bridgit software uses a toolkit called OpenSSL to provide
SSL security on both the client and the server. This toolkit implements both the SSL and the
Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) protocols, as well as a full-strength general purpose cryptography
library. For information about this toolkit, visit openssl.org.
SMART Bridgit software uses OpenSSL to generate a self-signed SSL certificate which is used for
data encryption. Each time the server starts, a new 1024-bit SSL certificate is generated and a new
256-bit encryption key is negotiated with each client.
C H A P T ER 1
Getting started