9. Click Knock.
A message appears stating that you’re waiting for a response from the meeting participants.
Participants in the meeting receive a message asking them to allow or deny you access to the
The knock request times out after 30 seconds and a No response dialog box opens with a
message stating that there was no response to your knock.
10. Click OK to knock again, or try to contact a meeting participant for the meeting password.
11. If you're allowed access to the meeting, your screen automatically updates to view the shared
12. If you're denied access to the meeting, an Unable to join dialog box opens with a message
stating that you've been denied access to the meeting.
13. Click OK to knock again, or try to contact a meeting participant for the meeting password.
Using voice conferencing
Participants can use SMARTBridgit software's VoIP feature to speak to each other during a meeting
if the SMART Bridgit server administrator enables it. Before participants can speak in a meeting, they
must run the Audio Setup Wizard to set the volume levels for their microphones and headphones or
speakers. See The Audio Setup Wizard on page 6.
Up to four participants can speak at once.
By default, participants must click Open My Mic before they can speak in a meeting. However, if the
owner of a meeting selects Automatically open microphones when creating a meeting,
microphones automatically open for the first four participants who join the meeting. See Creating a
meeting on page 13.
You can hide the audio controls and then show them again later.
g To hide or show the audio controls
Click the Show/Hide Audio Controls button on the toolbar to hide or show the audio controls.
C H A P T ER 2
Using SMARTBridgit