1152700 • Issue 1 • February 2001 • Section 2 Operation and Maintenance
Page 2-149
2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
Page 3 of 4
Table 727-1. T3 TMUX Multi 1 Performance Monitoring Values
CV-L 16383 Sets a count of Line Code Violations that the port can incur
before the system declares a TCA.
ES-L 900 Sets a count of Line Errored Seconds that the port can
incur before the systems declares a TCA.
CV-Pbit 16383 Sets a count of Parity bit Code Violation that the port can
incur before the systems declares a TCA.
ES-Pbit 900 Sets a count of Parity bit Errored Seconds that the port can
incur before the systems declares a TCA.
UAS 900 Sets a count of Unavailable Seconds that the port can incur
before the systems declares a TCA.
SEFS 900 Sets a count of Severely Errored Frame Seconds that the
port can incur before the systems declares a TCA.
CV-Cbit 16383 Sets a count of Cbit (Calculated parity bit of M-frame does
not match received parity bits) Code Violation that the port
can incur before the systems declares a TCA.
ES-Cbit 900 Sets a count of Cbit Errored Seconds that the port can incur
before the systems declares a TCA.
SES-Cbit 900 Sets a count of Cbit Severely Errored Seconds that the port
can incur before the systems declares a TCA.
SES-Pbit 900 Sets a count of Pbit Severely Errored Seconds that the port
can incur before the systems declares a TCA.
ES 900 Sets a count of errored seconds that the port can incur
before creating a TCA on the system. Error seconds
determined as number of seconds FE>=1, SEF >=1, or any
Cellworx Vision/AIS condition.
SES 900 Sets a count of line severely errored seconds that the port
can incur before creating a TCA on the system. SES is
determined as the number of seconds CV-L >=1547 or
LOS (Loss of Signal) >=1.
UAS 900 Sets a count of unavailable seconds that the port can incur
before creating a TCA on the system. UAS determined as
the number of seconds that the path is unavailable.
BES 900 Sets a count of Burst Errored Seconds that the port can
incur before creating a TCA on the system.
SEFS 900 Sets a count of severely errored frame seconds that the port
can incur before creating a TCA on the system. SEFS
determined when SEF >=1.
DM 15 Sets a count of minutes that the port can incur a signal
degradation before creating a TCA on the system.