ADCP-70-220 •Issue 1 • November 2000 • Section 2 Operation and Maintenance
Page 2-13
© 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
Page 2 of 2
Note: The shelf controller in slot 1 on the expansion shelf will begin to download. The
shelf controller does not need to download completely before proceeding to the next
7. If using a 1+1 protection configuration, create a bi-directional
protection group at the ring NE for a working and protect pair
hosting the expansion shelf, otherwise continue. DLP-765
8. Return to the GUI main screen by hitting Close on each window
9. Add the STN-EPS shelves to the system using the Cellworx
Vision GUI. DLP-712
10. Change the system name and location to a unique value for the
expansion shelf. At this point the user may also want to properly
configure the various settings for the node. This may include
timing configuration, locking ports to remove LOS alarms,
configuring the max VC bits to greater than zero to allow VC
connections for each port, etc. NTP-006
11. If using a 1+1 configuration, create a bi-directional protection
group at the EPS for the working and protect shelf expansion
interface cards linking to the ring NE, otherwise continue. DLP-765
12. Choose the update topology button on the GUI to refresh the
screen. The NEs should display the new name of the expansion
shelf. DLP-718
13. Repeat steps 3 through 12 for each STN-EPS shelf.
14. Perform acceptance tests on the new nodes. NTP-011
Stop! You have completed this procedure.