1152700 • Issue 1 • February 2001 • Section 2 Operations and Maintenance
Page 2-334
© 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
Page 8 of 10
upgrading software for the entire ring. The user should follow the directions and load
release 3.0 software onto each AIC, RIC, and SCC in the ring:
cd cellworx/swImage/swLoad_Ver3/nmic.
./cw_swupgrade -a -h (hours)
41. Periodically click the Refresh button on the software configuration screen(s) to see when
the software download is completed for each NE. Optionally, the user may close all
software configuration screens and use the Refresh button on the main status screen.
Clicking this button is equivalent to clicking the Refresh button on each of the NE’s
software configurations screens.
42. When the release 3.0 software download is complete for each NE, its entry in the main
status screen will read, "NE is eligible for switchover." This must be done for all NEs in the
43. Step 8 of the Task Overview (this is the window that outlines the software upgrade tasks,
with check marks placed beside completed tasks and a hand pointing to the task in
progress) allows the user to cancel the upgrade procedure. Note that this is not traffic
affecting and a NMIC reset is unnecessary.
44. Step 12 of the Task Overview also allows the user to cancel the procedure. Note that this is
also not traffic affecting but does require the slot 2 NMIC to be rebooted.
45. Following step 12 of the GUI Task Overview, any problems that cause software upgrade to
fail can be traffic affecting. Should any assistance be needed at any point after this step,
contact ADC Technical Support at 1-800-366-3891, extension 4878.
46. Following the slot 2 NMIC upgrade, this NMIC is automatically rebooted. After reboot, it
will be running release 3.0 software. Note that until each of the SCCs reach their 5-minute
switchover time and performs a soft reset, there will be a window of time during which
communication is lost between the slot 2 NMIC and the SCCs. This window should be no
more than 10 minutes.
47. After the slot 2 NMIC has successfully rebooted, log back into it and start the Cellworx
GUI. Replace "[hostname]" in the following commands with the IP address of the laptop or
telnet [IP address of the slot 2 NMIC]
export DISPLAY=[hostname]:0
48. After the Cellworx GUI has been started on the slot 2 NMIC, manually reboot the slot 4
NMIC by entering the following command in the slot 4 NMIC shell window: