ADCP-70-220 •Issue 1 • November 2000 • Section 2 Operation and Maintenance
Page 2-27
© 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
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Summary: This procedure lists procedures that can be followed to perform maintenance tasks on
a Cellworx STN ring network that may or may not be considered routine. Non-routine
maintenance may include installing new software versions on the NMIC, downloading new
software to interface cards, forcing cards off-line for maintenance procedures, and
troubleshooting alarms. Routine maintenance may include executing an Alarm Cut-Off (ACO),
retrieving performance monitoring reports, retrieving inventory lists, or retrieving alarm reports.
Graphical User Interface Procedures
1. Force Network Discovery DLP-719
2. Launch the Cellworx Vision GUI from the X-Terminal DLP-705
3. NMIC System File Replication DLP-722
4. NMIC Protection DLP-724
5. Perform Diagnostics on the optical cards DLP-766
6. Retrieve Logs from the NMIC via FTP DLP-741
7. Retrieve Compressed Logs from NMIC via FTP DLP-742
8. Select different software versions for a particular card DLP-720
9. View Ring Resource Usage DLP-715
10. View Fiber Bandwidth Usage DLP-716
Stop! You have completed this procedure.