Common Commands
*STB? (Status Byte)
*STB? (Status Byte)
Query *STB?
The *STB? query returns the current contents of the Status Byte, including the Master Sum-
mary Status (MSS) bit. See Table 3-6 on page 3-13 for Status Byte Register bit definitions.
Returned Format <value><NL>
<value> is an integer, from 0 to 255.
Example This example reads the contents of the Status Byte into the numeric variable, Value.
10 OUTPUT 707;"*STB?"
20 ENTER 707;Value
In response to a serial poll (SPOLL), Request Service (RQS) is reported on bit 6 of the status
byte. Otherwise, the Master Summary Status bit (MSS) is reported on bit 6. MSS is the inclu-
sive OR of the bitwise combination, excluding bit 6, of the Status Byte Register and the Ser-
vice Request Enable Register. The MSS message indicates that the scope is requesting
service (SRQ).
*TRG (Trigger)
Command *TRG
Table 3-6. Status Byte Register Bits
Bit Bit Weight Bit Name Condition
7 128 OPER 0 = no enabled operation status conditions have occurred
1 = an enabled operation status condition has occurred
6 64 RQS/MSS 0 = analyzer has no reason for service
1 = analyzer is requesting service
5 32 ESB 0 = no event status conditions have occurred
1 = an enabled event status condition occurred
4 16 MAV 0 = no output messages are ready
1 = an output message is ready
3 8 — 0 = not used
2 4 MSG 0 = no message has been displayed
1 = message has been displayed
1 2 USR 0 = no enabled user event conditions have occurred
1 = an enabled user event condition has occurred
0 1 TRG 0 = no trigger has occurred
1 = a trigger occurred
0 = False = Low 1 = True = High