TDR/TDT Commands (Rev. A.05.00 and Below)
waveform, while the response waveforms are numbered based on the destination channel.
For TDR commands, the response waveform numbers and RESPonse<N> refer to the same
waveforms. This is not the case for TDT related commands.
If the module needs calibration, this command automatically triggers a module calibration
before the TDR or TDT normalization and reference plane calibration begins.
NOTE Once the module calibration procedure is started, all access to the instrument’s front panel is blocked, including
the use of the Local button. Pressing Local during a module calibration will not place the instrument in local
mode. The calibration must either be cancelled or finished before you can regain control to the instrument’s front
Restrictions Software revision A.05.00 and below. TDR mode.
Example The following example begins a TDR or TDT calibration.
Command :TDR{2 | 4}:RESPonse<N>:CALibrate:CANCel
This command activates the cancel softkey during a TDR or TDT normalization and reference
plane calibration. This command is retained for backward compatibility with the 83480/
54750. The preferred command is :CALibrate:CANCel.
<N> is an integer, 1 through 4. This value refers to the stimulus channel used to produce a
response waveform, while the response waveforms are numbered based on the destination
channel. For TDR commands, the response waveform numbers and RESPonse<N> refer to
the same waveforms. This is not the case for TDT related commands.
Restrictions Software revision A.05.00 and below. TDR mode.
Example The following example cancels the current calibration operation.
Command :TDR{2 | 4}:RESPonse<N>:CALibrate:CONTinue
This command activates the continue softkey during a TDR or TDT normalization and refer-
ence plane calibration. This command is retained for backward compatibility with the 83480/
54750. The preferred command is :CALibrate:CONTinue.
<N> is an integer, 1 through 4. This value refers to the stimulus channel used to produce a
response waveform, while the response waveforms are numbered based on the destination
channel. For TDR commands, the response waveform numbers and RESPonse<N> refer to
the same waveforms. This is not the case for TDT related commands.
Restrictions Software revision A.05.00 and below. TDR mode.
Example The following example continues a paused calibration operation.