S-Parameter Commands
Query The query returns only the short form of the command. For example CHAN1, RESP1, WMEM1, or
FUNC1. The long form is not returned even if :SYSTem:LONGform is on.
Returned Format [:SPARameter:MARKer:X1Source] {CHANnel<N> | RESPonse<N> | WMEMory<N> | FUNCtion<N>}<NL>
Command :SPARameter:MARKer:X2Source {CHANnel<N> | RESPonse<N> | WMEMory<N> | FUNCtion<N>}
Selects the source waveform of the X2 marker, if more than one waveform is displayed on the
Example 10 OUTPUT 707;":SPAR:MARK:X2S CHAN1"
Query The query returns only the short form of the command. For example CHAN1, RESP1, WMEM1, or
FUNC1. The long form is not returned even if :SYSTem:LONGform is on.
Returned Format [:SPARameter:MARKer:X2Source] {CHANnel<N> | RESPonse<N> | WMEMory<N> | FUNCtion<N>}<NL>
Command :SPARameter:MARKer:X1Position <X1_frequency>
Sets the X1 marker position to data point that is nearest the specified frequency. After using
this command, query the value to determine the actual frequency of the marker.
Example 10 OUTPUT 707;":SPAR:MARK:X1P 10E9"
Query Reads the frequency position of the X1 marker.
Returned Format [:SPARameter:MARKer:X1Position] <X1_frequency><NL>
Command :SPARameter:MARKer:X2Position <X2_frequency>
Sets the X2 marker position to data point that is nearest the specified frequency. After using
this command, query the value to determine the actual frequency of the marker.
Example 10 OUTPUT 707;":SPAR:MARKer:X2Position 10E9"
Query Reads the frequency position of the X2 marker.
Returned Format [:SPARameter:MARKer:X2Position] <X2_frequency><NL>
Command :SPARameter:MARKer:Y1Position?
Queries the amplitude value (Y1) of the X1 marker.
Query :SPARameter:MARKer:Y1Position?
Returned Format [:SPARameter:MARKer:Y1Position] <value><NL>