
Signal Processing Commands
Signal Processing Commands
The Signal Processing subsystem is used to control the signal processing applications. Refer
to the instrument’s online help for information on using these applications.
NOTE Instrument software revision A.04.10 and above (86100C instruments) with Option 201, Advanced Waveform
Analysis Software, is required to run the Linear Feedforward Equalizer and MATLAB Filter applications.
General Application Commands
The following general commands are used for the active signal processing application.
Linear Feedforward Equalizer Application Commands
The Linear Feedforward Equalizer application is controlled using the SPRocessing:LFEQual-
izer commands. Because the Linear Feedforward Equalizer uses single-valued waveforms, it
requires pattern lock triggering in either Eye/Mask or Oscilloscope instrument modes. If you
are modeling equalization to open a severely closed eye diagram, you may need to manually
set pattern lock on the instrument.
MATLAB Filter Application Commands
The MATLAB Filter application is controlled using the SPRocessing:MATLab commands.
MATLAB Filter works in Oscilloscope, Eye/Mask, or TDR/TDT modes. Use the SPRocess-
ing:MATLab command to turn on and off this application. The MATLAB Filter application
does not include MATLAB. So, you must purchase (www.mathworks.com) and install MAT-
LAB separately on the 86100C. If MATLAB is not already running on the instrument, when
the MATLAB Filter application is started, MATLAB is automatically started and is minimized.
Because the MATLAB Filter uses single-valued waveforms, it requires pattern lock triggering
in either Eye/Mask or Oscilloscope instrument modes. If you are creating a filter to open a
severely closed eye diagram, you may need to manually set pattern lock on the instrument.
Command :SPRocessing:LFEQualizer {{OFF | 0} | {ON | 1}}
Turns on and off the linear feedforward equalizer application. Pattern lock must be turned on
prior to sending the LFEQualizer ON command.
Query :SPRocessing:LFEQualizer?
Returned Format [:SPRocessing:LFEQualizer:] {0 | 1}<NL>