TDR/TDT Commands (Rev. A.05.00 and Below)
Query :TDR{2 | 4}:RESPonse{1 | 3}:TDRDest?
The query returns the current TDR destination channel for the selected response.
Returned Format [:TDR{2 | 4}:RESPonse{1 | 3}:TDRDest] <channel><NL>
Command :TDR{2 | 4}:RESPonse{1| 2| 3 | 4}:TDRTDT {TDR | TDT}
This command controls the behavior of other :TDR{2| 4}:RESPonse commands and queries. A
response waveform is fully specified by the TDRTDT setting, as well as by the stimulus value
that is part of a “TDR{2 | 4}:RESPonse” command.
<N> is an integer, 1 through 4. This value refers to the stimulus channel used to produce a
response waveform, while the response waveforms are numbered based on the destination
channel. For TDR commands, the response waveform numbers and RESPonse<N> refer to
the same waveforms. This is not the case for TDT related commands.
Restrictions Software revision A.05.00 and below. TDR mode.
Example To turn on Response 1 waveform as TDR with stimulus = Chan1:
Set :TDR2:RESPonse1 to NORM
To turn on Response 2 waveform as TDT with stimulus = Chan1:
Set :TDR2:RESPonse1:TDTDest to Chan2
Set :TDR2:RESPonse1 to ON
Command :TDR{2 | 4}:RESPonse<N>:TDTDest {NONE | CHANnel<N>}
This command selects a destination channel for a normalization measurement.
<N> is an integer, 1 through 4. This RESPonse<N> value refers to the stimulus channel used
to produce a response waveform, while the response waveforms are numbered based on the
destination channel. For TDR commands, the response waveform numbers and
RESPonse<N> refer to the same waveforms. This is not the case for TDT related commands.
For differential and common mode stimuli, the TDT destination is implied as follows:
• The TDT destination for channel 1 is channel 3.
• The TDT destination for channel 2 is channel 4.
• The TDT destination for channel 3 is channel 1.
• The TDT destination for channel 4 is channel 2.
A channel is valid as a TDT destination if it meets the following criteria:
• Must be an electrical channel.
• Must not have an active TDR stimulus.
• Must not be the destination of another TDT measurement.
• Must not be the destination of a TDR measurement (external stimulus only).
You must select a valid TDT destination before setting the TDRTDT control to TDT.