Control Byte Descriptions
Setup System – Control Byte #1 (01h)
Description: Sets system status flags and switches. The current value of the flags can be obtained by executing command
#29, Query System Setup, and parsing the values from the appropriate bytes. The Site Master acts on the entire byte. So, the
state of each of the bits must be defined every time the command is issued. See control byte #29 (1Dh) response byte 170
(VNA mode) or response bytes 275 and 276 (SPA mode) for current Site Master configuration.
Bytes to Follow: 2 bytes
1) Status Byte 1
bit 0: Fixed CW Mode On/Off (1b = On, 0b = Off)
bit 1: Not Used
bit 2: LCD Back Light On/Off (1b = On, 0b = Off)
bit 3: Measurement Unit Metric/English (0b = English, 1b = Metric)
bits 4-7: Not Used
2) Status Byte 2
bit 0: RBW Coupling (to span) (1b = Auto 0b = Manual)
bit 1: VBW Coupling (to RBW) (1b = Auto 0b = Manual)
bit 2: Not Used
bits 3-4: Amplitude Units (00b = dBm 01b = dBV 10b = dBmV 11b = dBuV)
bits 5-6: Detection Algorithm (00b = Positive Peak 01b = RMS Average 10b = Negative Peak
11b = Sampling Mode)
bit 7: Attenuation Coupling (to ref level) (1b = Auto 0b = Manual)
Site Master Returns:1 byte
1) 255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
238 (EEh) Time-out Error
Set Site Master VNA Frequency – Control Byte #2 (02h)
Description: Sets the Site Master frequency range. Start and stop frequencies are given in terms of 1 Hz steps. (e.g. 1000.3
MHz would be sent as 1000300000 = 1,000,300,000 Hz.)
Valid range is 25 MHz – 4000 MHz.
See control byte #29 (1Dh) response bytes 28 to 35 for current Site Master start and stop frequencies.
Bytes to Follow: 8 bytes
1) Start Frequency (highest byte)
2) Start Frequency
3) Start Frequency
4) Start Frequency (lowest byte)
5) Stop Frequency (highest byte)
6) Stop Frequency
7) Stop Frequency
8) Stop Frequency (lowest byte)
Site Master Returns: 1 byte
1) 255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
224 (E0h) Parameter Error : Invalid frequency range
238 (EEh) Time-out Error
Site Master PM 7
1 Set the Metric/English flag to the proper value before sending distance information.