bit 5 : Cal On/Off
bit 6 : Limit Type ( 0b = Single; 1b = Multiple)
bit 7 : Unit of measurement (1b = Metric, 0b = English)
181) Status Byte 4:
(LSB) bit0-1:DTFWindowing Mode
bit: 1 0
0 0 - Rectangular (No Windowing)
0 1 - Nominal Side Lobe
1 0 - Low Side Lobe
1 1 - Minimum Side Lobe
182-215) Not Used
216-1255)Sweep Data (130 points * 8 bytes/point= 1040 bytes)
216-2287) (259 points * 8 bytes/point= 2072 bytes)
216-4351) (517 points * 8 bytes/point= 4136 bytes)
8 bytes for each data point
1. Gamma
2. Gamma
3. Gamma
4. Gamma LSB
5. Phase
6. Phase
7. Phase
8. Phase LSB
Site Master Returns: 1 byte
1) 255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
224 (E0h) Parameter Error: Not enough bytes transferred
225 (E1h) Memory Error: Not enough memory to store data
238 (EEh) Time-out Error
return loss = - 20* ( log(Gamma) / log(10) )
VSWR = (1+Gamma)/(1-Gamma)
Phase compares the reflected to the incident (reference)
Query System Status – Control Byte #29 (1Dh)
NOTE: This command is new to the S33xD. Use it instead of Control Byte #20 to access new features.
Description: Queries the Site Master for current system settings. Unlike Control Byte #20, this command returns only data
that is valid for the active mode, plus system settings, such as the defined printer.
The current state of the Site Master represents the state after the last successful remote control operation. For example,
change the start frequency to another valid frequency while in remote mode, then execute control byte #29. The new start
frequency will be returned in the defined bytes, even though no sweep has been performed with that frequency.
Bytes to Follow: 0 bytes
Site Master Returns:
For All Modes:
36 Site Master PM
81 Gamma data uses 1/1000 units.
82 Phase data uses 1/10 degree unit.