Read InstaCal Module ASCII Serial Number – Control Byte #124 (7Ch)
Description: Returns the InstaCal Module serial number in ASCII.
Bytes to Follow: 1 byte
1) Serial number storage location (01h=main serial, 02h=secondary)
Site Master Returns: 8 bytes
1-8) Serial Number, in ASCII
Set Site Master Marker (Peak/Valley) – Control Byte #129 (81h)
Description: Sets an individual marker in current measurement mode to either peak (maximum) signal or valley (minimum)
Bytes to Follow: 2 bytes
1) Marker Number (01h = marker 1, 02h = marker 2, 03h = marker 3, 04h = marker 4, 05h = marker 5,
06h = marker 6)
2) Marker Line Search Status (01h = Peak, 00h = Valley )
Site Master Returns: 3 bytes (1 byte if an error occurs)
1) Marker Position (higher byte)
2) Marker Position (lower byte)
3) 255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
1) 224 (E0h) Parameter Error : Invalid marker or marker search status
238 (EEh) Time Out Error
Set / Reset Spectrum Analyzer External Reference – Control Byte #133 (85h)
Description: Sets the external reference frequency for the spectrum analyzer in increments of 1 MHz from2–20MHz. The
frequencies are sent in Hz.
Bytes to Follow: 1 byte if turning the reference OFF, 5 bytes if turning the reference ON
Turn OFF the external reference:
1) 00h - Turn OFF the frequency reference
Turn ON the external reference (the reference frequency is also sent):
1) 01h - Turn ON the frequency reference
2) External Reference Frequency (in Hz) (highest byte)
3) External Reference Frequency (in Hz)
4) External Reference Frequency (in Hz)
5) External Reference Frequency (in Hz) (lowest byte)
Site Master Returns: 1 byte
1) 255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
224 (E0h) Parameter Error
238 (EEh) Time Out Error
Site Master PM 91
274 The marker position is sent as a data point on the display. Equivalent Frequency = (position * span / (# data points -
1)) + start frequency