Sequence Site Master Calibration – Control Byte #13 (0Dh)
Description: Initiates a calibration step. The Site Master must be calibrated to give accurate measurements.
The command sequence must be sent in correct order. i.e. Open -> Short -> Load. You can also abort the calibration by
command – “Abort” before the command - “Load” is sent. Once command - “Load” is sent, calibration is completed, and the
old calibration data is lost.
The unit under test returns #255(FFh) upon receiving the command, and return #240 (F0h) when the calibration of the
connected component is completed, then waits for further commands to complete the whole calibration process.
This command is designed to be executed step by step: open, short, load. Issuing any other command during this command
sequence will cause undesired results.
Bytes to Follow: 1 byte
1) Calibration Step to trigger
01h = Open
02h = Short
03h = Load
04h = Not Used
05h = Abort
Site Master Returns: 2 bytes
1) 255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
224 (E0h) Error : Invalid Cal Operation or Cal Incomplete
238 (EEh) Time-out Error
2) 240 (F0h) Calibration step is completed
Set Site Master Data Points – Control Byte #14 (0Eh)
Description: Set number of measurement data points for Site Master VNA modes.
Bytes to Follow: 1 byte
1) Number of Data Points
00h = 130 Points
01h = 259 Points
02h = 517 Points
Site Master Returns: 1 byte
1) 255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
224 (E0h) Parameter Error : Invalid number of data points
238 (EEh) Time-out Error
Set Site Master Calibration Mode – Control Byte #15 (0Fh)
Description: Set the Site Master calibration mode to OSL Cal (standard) or FlexCal.
Bytes to Follow: 1 byte
1) Calibration Mode
00h = OSL Calibration (standard)
01h = FlexCal Calibration
Site Master Returns: 1 byte
1) 255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
224 (E0h) Parameter Error : Invalid calibration mode
238 (EEh) Time-out Error
Site Master PM 13