bit 4 : SPA Multiple Limit Upper Segment 1 Status On/Off
bit 5 : SPA Multiple Limit Upper Segment 1 Beep Level ABOVE/BELOW
bit 6 : SPA Multiple Limit Upper Segment 2 Status On/Off
bit 7 : SPA Multiple Limit Upper Segment 2 Beep Level ABOVE/BELOW
273) Status Byte 4 : (0b = Off/Beep if data is BELOW line, 1b = On/Beep if data is ABOVE line)
(LSB) bit 0 : SPA Multiple Limit Upper Segment 3 Status On/Off
bit 1 : SPA Multiple Limit Upper Segment 3 Beep Level ABOVE/BELOW
bit 2 : SPA Multiple Limit Upper Segment 4 Status On/Off
bit 3 : SPA Multiple Limit Upper Segment 4 Beep Level ABOVE/BELOW
bit 4 : SPA Multiple Limit Upper Segment 5 Status On/Off
bit 5 : SPA Multiple Limit Upper Segment 5 Beep Level ABOVE/BELOW
bit 6 : SPA Multiple Limit Lower Segment 1 Status On/Off
bit 7 : SPA Multiple Limit Lower Segment 1 Beep Level ABOVE/BELOW
274) Status Byte 5 : (0b = Off/Beep if data is BELOW line, 1b = On/Beep if data is ABOVE line)
(LSB) bit 0 : SPA Multiple Limit Lower Segment 2 Status On/Off
bit 1 : SPA Multiple Limit Lower Segment 2 Beep Level ABOVE/BELOW
bit 2 : SPA Multiple Limit Lower Segment 3 Status On/Off
bit 3 : SPA Multiple Limit Lower Segment 3 Beep Level ABOVE/BELOW
bit 4 : SPA Multiple Limit Lower Segment 4 Status On/Off
bit 5 : SPA Multiple Limit Lower Segment 4 Beep Level ABOVE/BELOW
bit 6 : SPA Multiple Limit Lower Segment 5 Status On/Off
bit 7 : SPA Multiple Limit Lower Segment 5 Beep Level ABOVE/BELOW
275) Status Byte 6: (0b = Off, 1b = On)
(LSB) bit 0 : Antenna Factors Correction On/Off
bit 1 : Bias Tee On/Off (Option 10)
bit 2 : SPA Cal Status On/Off
bits 3-4 : Amplitude Units (Log) - 00b = dBm 01b = dBV 10b = dBmV 11b = dBuV
(Linear) – 00b = Watts 01b = Volts
bits 5-6 : Detection Alg (00b = pos. peak 01b = RMS Avg 10b = neg. peak 11b = Sampling Mode)
bit 7: Units Type (0b = Log 1b = Linear)
276) Status Byte 7: (0b = Off, 1b = On)
(LSB) bit 0: Serial Port Echo Status On/Off
bit 1: Return Sweep Time On/Off
bit 2: RBW Coupling (1b = Auto, 0b = Manual)
bit 3: VBW Coupling (1b = Auto, 0b = Manual)
bit 4: Attenuation Coupling (1b = Auto, 0b = Manual)
bit 5: Channel Power On/Off
bit 6: Adjacent Channel Power On/Off
bit 7: Not Used
277) Reference Level Offset
(highest byte)
278) Reference Level Offset
279) Reference Level Offset
280) Reference Level Offset (lowest byte)
281) External Reference Frequency
282) Signal Standard
(higher byte)
283) Signal Standard (lower byte)
284) Channel Selection
(highest byte)
285) Channel Selection (lowest byte)
Site Master PM 43
111 Beep level is always 1b for upper segmented limit line
112 Beep level is always 0b for lower segmented limit line
113 Value sent as (value in dBm * 1000) + 270,000
114 1 byte in MHz (i.e. 20 = 20MHz)
115 Index into Standard List (use control byte #89 to retrieve the ASCII string name). “No Standard” sent as FFFEh
116 “No Channel” is sent as FFFEh