
Hardware Description
© Copyright ARM Limited 1999. All rights reserved.
Table 3-4 JTAG signal description
Name Description Function
DBGRQ Debug request
(from JTAG equipment)
DBGRQ is a request for the processor core to enter the debug
state. It is provided for compatibility with third-party JTAG
DBGACK Debug acknowledge
(to JTAG equipment)
DBGACK indicates to the debugger that the processor core has
entered debug mode. It is provided for compatibility with
third-party JTAG equipment.
DONE FPGA configured DONE is an open-collector signal which indicates when FPGA
configuration is complete. Although this signal is not a JTAG
signal, it does effect nSRST. The DONE signal is routed between
all FPGAs in the system through the HDRB connectors. The
master reset controller on the motherboard senses this signal and
holds all the boards in reset (by driving nSRST LOW) until all
FPGAs are configured.
nCFGEN Configuration enable
(from jumper on module at the
top of the stack)
nCFGEN is an active LOW signal used to put the boards into
configuration mode. In configuration mode all FPGAs and PLDs
are connected to the scan chain so that they can be configured by
the JTAG equipment.
nRTCKEN Return TCK enable (from core
module to motherboard)
nRTCKEN is an active LOW signal driven by any core module
that requires RTCK to be routed back to the JTAG equipment. If
nRTCKEN is HIGH, the motherboard drives RTCK LOW. If
nRTCKEN is LOW, the motherboard drives the TCK signal
back up the stack to the JTAG equipment.
nSRST System reset (bidirectional) nSRST is an active LOW open-collector signal which can be
driven by the JTAG equipment to reset the target board. Some
JTAG equipment senses this line to determine when a board has
been reset by the user.
The open collector nRST reset signal may be driven LOW by the
reset controller on the core module to cause the motherboard to
reset the whole system by driving nSYSRST LOW.
This is also used in configuration mode to control the
initialization pin (nINIT) on the FPGAs.
Though not a JTAG signal, nSRST is described because it can be
controlled by JTAG equipment.
nTRST Test reset (from JTAG
This active low open-collector is used to reset the JTAG port and
the associated debug circuitry on the ARM940T processor. It is
asserted at power-up by each module, and can be driven by the
JTAG equipment. This signal is also used in configuration mode
to control the programming pin (nPROG) on FPGAs.